Pain Remedies

Pain Remedies

Monday, 16 June 2014

Karkataka Chikitsa

Rainy Season (Varsha Rutu)
The rainy season makes everyone suffer from many health problems due to increased toxins in the body. The traditional Ayurvedic treatments done in monsoon season to maintain ones health at its best is called Karkataka Chikitsa (Monsoon Treatments). The vata dosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three doshas, and imbalance of these three will lead to disease.) which is accumulated in summer (greeshma rutu) will agravate by the rain and cold; breaks out in to disease, causing all painful conditions to aggravate. When the rain falls into the hot summer, earth increases the Amlata(acidity) in all food material, water, vegetables etc... This aggravates pitta dosha, causing fever, digestive problems, then the contaminated water and food with cold climate aggravates kapha dosha causing cold, cough, allergy, skin diseases. To prevent these, Ayurveda advices the course of Ayurveda therapy called Karkataka Chikitsa.

Ayurveda’s Magic - Karkataka Chikitsa
In monsoon all the three doshas get aggravates. To expell these accumulated doshas during monsoon and to maintain a healthy constitution Ayurveda advocates Karkataka chikitsa to have equilibrium of doshas and proper physcical and psychological harmony. The Karkataka chikitsa includes various Ayurveda treatments that will help to eliminate the excess doshas from the body and advices specific diet to follow.

Karkataka chikistsa is specially effective in the prevention of diseases and increases immunity,improves blood circulation and helps relax the whole body system, enhances cell metabolism,helps to get sound sleep,improves appetite and corrects digestion,cleanses body system, improves the agni(digestive fire) and burns toxins,makes body flexible,sharpens sensory organs,keeps hormone system balanced, calms the mind and improves intellect rejuvenates body and extending the longevity of life. It helps to prevent the many other ailments arise in monsoon like recurring fever, cold, joint pains, muscular pain, digestive problems etc....

Special Rice gruel (Karkataka Kanji /Oushadha Kanji)
This is a medicinal rice soup used during monsoon season. This has a special effect to prevent from monsoon fevers, increases digestive fire, clears channels, easy to digest, nourishes all the tissues. This should be consumed continuously for minimum of one week

Karkataka Chikitsa Package

The duration of Karkataka chikitsa* is 60mins daily for 14 days. The following are few treatment which are adviced for karkataka chikitsa.

Udwarthana 4days
Dhanyamla dhara 3days
Patrapindasweda 3days
Shirodhara 2days
Sarvanga Dhara 2days

Uwarthana: The herbal powders which are rubbed against the body for a specific period will helps to cleanse the channels,reduces excess fat,reduces kapha dosha in the body, shapes up the body,tones muscles.

Dhanyamala Dhara: Medicated vinegar made from the dhanya(pulses & cereals) will be poured in a specific manner all over the body for a specific duration. This will help to pacify vatadosha, improves tissue level metabolism.

Patrapinda Sweda: A technique in which a heated cloth bag containing herbal leaves are softly punched all over the body. This will help body to lubricate and sweat simultaneously clearing channels, expels toxins through sweat, helps to pacify both vata and kapha doshas. Its effective for various kinds of arthritis, spondylities, back pain,sports injuries and other soft tissue inflammation especially joint pains.

Shirodhara: Stream of warm medicated oil/decoction/milk poured on forehead in an oscillating manner. This will help to balance the manasika (mind) doshas like raja and tama. Relaxes mind,improves quality of sleep, memory and concentration.

Sarvanga Ksheera Dhara: Medicated milk will be poured all over the body in a specific manner. This will help to nourish all the tissues of the body, pacifies all the doshas, improves skin complexion, rejuvenates, revitalizes energies the body

Doctors consultation is must to determine the appropriate therapy for each individual.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Fenugreek - an ancient and well-forgotten medicine. In different cultures, it has a different name : fenugrekhelba (or hilba ) shambalapazhitnik or Helbe . Many tourists have visited the Arab countries and tried this magnificent medicinal drink.

Biologically fenugreek belongs to the family of leguminous plants, as well as food for the treatment and the leaves , but mostly grain fenugreek . Like all legumes , fenugreek - it is a huge storehouse of necessary human proteins that are perfectly absorbed by the body .

What is known about the beneficial properties of fenugreek and its application in the food and for the treatment ?

- Clinically proven that taking fenugreek lowers blood sugar , and sugar is reduced immediately after taking a drink. Fenugreek has a hypoglycemic action , in addition , it stimulates the body to insulin production .

- Fenugreek effectively used for colds , as its constituent components have a strong antibacterial effect , killing harmful germs

- Helbe - perfect expectorant , it must take if you can not get rid of the mucus , runny nose , etc. respiratory problems

- Helbe - known stimulant . Overall Helbe has anabolic properties , that is helping to restore power. Males Helbe increases libido . Often in Arab countries Helbe called natural " Viagra ". And in China, fenugreek ( fenugreek ) is used to treat impotence .

- Acceptance of fenugreek is very useful for women's health. The fact that the rich Helbe diosgenin formed material from which the female hormones and therefore it is worth taking to women with low estrogen levels , particularly important in the early menopause. Also in North America, fenugreek seeds have long used to treat gynecological diseases.

Briefly other useful properties Helbe ( fenugreek )

- Lowers cholesterol

- Increases the level of hemoglobin , used for anemia

- Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

- Helbe used to purify the liver and kidneys

- Apply to improve lactation in nursing mothers

- Has a laxative effect , applied for constipation

- Helbe has tonified property , but without the side effects of caffeine

Chemical composition of fenugreek ( Helbe )

In fenugreek present phytosterols , flavonoids, tannins , unsaturated and saturated fatty acids , and vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2, B3, B4 , B9 , etc. Also Helbe rich in mineral salts , essential for human health, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium , and zinc.

Fenugreek use , or how to properly use Helbe :

In Arab countries, the most popular way is to use as Helbe drink so many Helbe known exactly how Egyptian yellow tea or tea.

How best and most effectively prepare yellow tea Helbe ?

Since Helbe ( fenugreek ) - it is a legume , it is like peas or beans fairly firm . If you just fill it with boiling water , even - that the effect will not be much . Helbe not give a lot of useful features.

The best way to prepare the next yellow tea .

- Rinse beans , then soak Helbe in ordinary water ( rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of 250 ml)

- Let it brew for a couple of hours

- Then heat the water to boiling with Helbe let it simmer on low heat for 3-5 minutes

Grain Helbe seethe , increase several times and turned the water into saturated zolostisto brown. In this form, the water will get the maximum number of trace elements and minerals that are rich in this wonderful plant .

- Drink slow sips tea as usual . The drink has a nutty flavor spetsefichesky the first time a little unusual , but sipping it a few times , he 'll love . In the finished drink can be added to taste lemon, milk , cinnamon , etc. things.

The remaining beans - if you want you can add salt , pepper and eat , because they are also extremely beneficial for the body and contain large amounts of protein . ( But you should not have fenugreek as buckwheat groats type or oatmeal ) .

Several times miracle plant Helbe ( fenugreek ) was the center of attention in the " live healthy ", you can see a video of 2 programs below. And also you can find a wealth of information on the Internet by typing in the search fenugreek or Helbe useful properties and reviews from independent sources to verify that Fenugreek is an ancient and undeservedly forgotten miracle plant .