Prakriti is the basic nature of intelligence by which the universe exists and functions.
According to Ayurveda, each individual has a unique Prakriti or constitution.
This is unlike the traditional Western idea of three basic body types
- ectomorph (lean and delicate), mesomorph (compact and muscular) and
endomorph (stocky). According to this system an individual's basic
constitution to a large extent determines predisposition and
prognosis of diseases as well as therapy and life-style regime.
Ayurveda describes ten broad constitution types (Prakritis) each with a varying
degree of predisposition to different diseases. Among these, constitutions,
Sama Dosha (Equal) constitution is the best and it is the rarest. Single Dosha
constitution is fairly better. Among them Vata is good, Pitta is better and
Kapha Prakriti is best. Dual constitutions are more commonly seen and are more
prone to have health issues and a difficult prognosis.
- It gives a thorough understanding of your body and its requirements.
- It helps you maintain optimal health.
- Following a balanced diet and regimen for each seasonal variations help maintain the balance of the Doshas / humours.
- This helps you maintain a balanced personal, family and professional life.
- This analysis helps you understand your body better, the type of your personality, your vulnerability to diseases and helps you intelligently select the foods and regimen that will balance your Prakriti.