Pain Remedies

Pain Remedies

Friday, 5 September 2014



According to the ancient Indian philosophies and especially
 Ayurveda, the human body is composed of five natural elements -
 Pṛthvī (earth), Jala(water), Agni (fire), Vāyu (air) and Ākāśa (Sky). 
Hence the human body is a miniature form of the universe in itself.
 The five elements in their biological form in the living body are
 known as DOSHAS or humours. They are – 
Vāyu or Vāta , Pitta and Kapha. All activities and functions
 (normal or abnormal) of the body and mind are dependent on
 the normal or abnormal state of the three Doshas in the body. 
The balanced state of the Doshas is health or equilibrium and 
it’s derangement is disease.


Human body is made up of seven vital tissues called Dhatus. 
Dhatu in Sanskrit means “that, which binds together”. 
These are:
Chyle or plasma (Rasa), blood (Rakta), muscle tissue (Mamsa),
 fatty tissue (Medha), bones (Asthi), bone marrow and
 nervous tissue (Majja) and semen and reproductive system
 (Shukra). The balanced Doshas nourish the Dhatus and 
helps in maintaining the health. When Doshas are deranged, 
they affect the functions of the Dhatus.
The metabolic waste products of our body are called as Malas. 
They are 3 types - Urine, Faeces and Sweat. When these waste
 products are properly eliminated, a person will maintain
 good health. Whenever there is a blockage of channels,
 or the improper digestion due to low Agni, the waste
 products accumulate in the body as Ama (toxins). 
Accumulated toxins over a period of time results in disease. 
The aim of Ayurveda is to bring the balance back into the
 system by maintaining the equilibrium of 
Doshas-Dhatus-Malas. Poorva Karma and Pancha
 Karma procedures help in attaining the level of health, 
thus supporting the universal prayer 
– Sarve Sandhu Niramaya. 

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