Pain Remedies

Pain Remedies

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Dilute a paste of ginger powder (half teaspoon) with water & apply to the Forehead. A burning sensation may persist. But it's not harmful.

Temporal headaches:
It's related to Kapha. Hence apply ginger paste to the forehead and Sinuses.

Occipital headaches:
It is because of the aggravated Pitta in the stomach. Make tea with cumin & coriander seeds in a cup of hot water & consume it. Also apply a sandalwood paste to the temples


Sinus headaches:
Indicate toxins in the colon. Take one teaspoon of flax seed at bedtime With a glass of warm milk. At the same time, apply ginger paste behind the ears.



Swarnaprashana was referred for the first time in Kashyapa Samhiti ( 7-8 Century AD ), an authentic text of Ayurvedic Paediatrics. But the word prashana is not mentioned and instead, lehana is mentioned. The classical literatures of Ayurveda emphasize the use of Swarna(gold) in various forms.

Administered on specific Days i.e Pushya Nakshatra Days
In Hindu shastra it is practiced to purchasing gold on the day of pushya nakshatra as it is auspicious day, and the theory of ravana says that all the nakshatras have their own effect on different materials. The rays radiating or emerging on the day of pushya nakshatra doubles the medicinal values present in the gold.

=> One of the sixteen "Sanskar" (rituals) which is described in Ancient IndianScriptural( Religious texts ), To make the child lick Gold originally called "Swarnaprashana" .

=> Swarnaprashana is a mixture of Gold , Differnt Herbs ( Ashwagandha, Vacha, Brahmi, Shankh Pushpi..etc ) , Cow's Ghee & Honey.

=> Swarnaprashana is given to newborn babies from " 1st Day " till " 16 Years "of his/her age .

=> Any one can get benefits of it by starting any time up to " 16 Years " of age .

=> " 6 Months "of regular usage ( given everyday ) of Swarnaprashana make child very intelligent, and he can remember all that he has heard ( Improves memory & Intelligence ) .

Today's Children Are Tomorrows Citizens. A Child Is An Asset And Hope Not Only For Their Parents But Also For The Country. In Today's World We Witness Many Infectious Diseases & Developmental Disorders Among Children.

Benefits Of Swarnaprashana :
=> Improves Intelligence.
=> Improves Immunity 
=> Fights Against Different Kinds Of Allergies.
=> Improves Memory(Increases Child's Grasping Power, Analysis Power , Sharpness & Recall memory).
=> Prevents Fungal, Bacterial & viral Infections.
=> Improves Digestion Power.
=> Increases Physical Strength.
=> Improves Complexion ( skin colour ) , Fair & glowing skin . Swarnaprashan increases attractiveness
=> Fights Delayed Milestones
=> Immunity Against Repeated Attack Of Clod , Cough , Fever And Asthama.


Contradictions :
=> Children Suffering From Fever.
=> Children Suffering From Dysentery.
=> Children Suffering From Diarrhea.
=> Children Suffering From Indigestion.

Minimum Period For Which Swarnaprashana Should Be Given :
=> " 3 - 6 Month " If Given Every Day.
=> Minimum of 21 Monthly Doses If Given On Pushya Nakshatra Days.
=> Better Results Can Obtained By Daily Dose ( usage )Of Swaranaprashana.



NOTE: Swarnaprashana Is Preferably Administered Early In The Morning On The Empty Stomach, On The Day Of Pushya Nakshatra Every Month. 

No Food / Beverage Should Be Given After The Drug Is Administered For 45 - 75 minutes As It May Dilute / Interact With The Medicine

Pushya Nakshatra Days :

=> 17th January 2014     
=> 13th February 2014     
=> 12th - March 2014     
=> 9th - April 2014     
=> 6th - May 2014     
=> 2nd - June 2014     
=> 2nd - July 2014     
=> 27th - July 2014     
=> 23rd- August 2014     
=> 19th - September 2014    
=> 17th - October 2014     .
=> 13th - November 2014     
=> 10th - December 2014     

Swarnaprashana Will Be Administered On Pushya Nakshatra Days At Our Centre.




=> Contact Us Tel: +91 - 22 2789 9153 / 65350070 / 9987246776

Email :

Monday, 11 August 2014


  1. Take sesame oil and bottle gourd juice in equal quantities and massage this mixture on your scalp every night. 
  2. Hot formentations are also a proven home remedies for insomnia
  3. Drink a cup of milk with some honey. 
  4. Another best home remedy to treat insomnia is drinking milk extracted from poppy seeds. Drink this milk every day after having your dinner and you will be able to treat insomnia quite easily
  5. Mash a ripe banana and mix roasted cumin seeds into it and have it before going to bed. 
  6. Eat three cups of curd everyday
  7. Consuming salad of raw onions can also effectively solve the problem of sleeplessness
  8. Drink fresh juice made up of valerian and drink it before going to bed
  9. Add lettuce seeds in boiled water and drink it to treat sleeplessness


  1. Drink the juice of grapes on a regular basis.
  2. Boil three to four mango leaves and drink. The leaves of mango leaves help to fight diabetes. This is one of the best home remedies for diabetes.
  3. Make a mixture of dry gooseberry and turmeric powder. Add some honey to it and drink the mixture early in the morning. While drinking the mixture see to it you take it empty stomach for better results.
  4. Bitter gourd juice drink it every morning. 
  5. Eat some soaked almond empty stomach early in the morning. 
  6. Eat some leaves of neem. It helps to reduce the sugar level in blood and cures diabetes.


  1. Eat papaya: Replacing vegetable soups with papaya in dinner for a period of three months can help you lose weight.
  2. Cabbage: Eat more and more cabbage salad. Eating cabbage is the best home remedies to lose weight
  3. Eat tomatoes: Once you wake up in the morning, eat a minimum of one or two tomatoes. Eat these tomatoes empty stomach. This will not only help you lose weight but will also reduce the levels of bad cholesterol from the body.
  4. Ginger: Make a paste of ginger and consume it with honey. Do this for at least three times everday and seed the results.

Saturday, 9 August 2014



Moisturise the face and scalp, especially in winters. Hence it leaves skin, hands and feet looking soft and smooth. Hair gets a healthy sheen with coconut oil. The body without any greasiness absorbs it. It is great for removing stretch marks. 



Evens out skin tone and reduces pigmentation.
 It also fades away brown spots



 Rejuvenates and penetrates to the deepest layers of the skin.

 Its use leaves the skin velvety smooth and elastic instantly. Carrot is antiseptic and nourishing.


 Tends to tired and irritated skin. The starch content draws out the impurities of the skin.
 It clears away dark circles and puffiness and lightens the skin colour. 
Potato as cleanser, compressor and facial mask keeps the skin clear ands fresh. Potato also treats sunburns. 



Add 1/4th teaspoon of Turmeric to a cup of dandelion tea ---->> acts as a Powerful detoxifier.
Make turmeric and ginger tea ---->>
warming, anti-inflammatory.
TURMERIC: Natural skin brightener and gives a healthy glow to the skin. It reduces dark circles and puffiness, soothes cracked skin and tends to pigments. It also prevents wrinkles.

Friday, 8 August 2014



Keeps the hair and skin in good condition. 

Also used for its anti-ageing and UV protecting properties. It is used from facial packs to hair masks to bath water, as it smooth’s the skin. Honey moisturises, hydrates, soothes and heals. It results in soft, supple, and rejuvenated skin. It also prevents skin breakouts and cleanses skin by absorbing impurities. Honey tends to weak hair by gives a moisturising boost. Hence its perfect hair conditioner, as it rinses out easily, leaving the hair shiny.



Tightens the open skin pores, due to its acidic nature. It acts as a sunscreen and blocks UV rays. Also used as a skin cleanser that deals with oil and blackheads. Hence is responsible for glowing skin. Tomato juice leaves the hair strands shiny and chases away hair odours.

Pets For Vata Pitta & Kapha People.

Pets For Vata Pitta & Kapha People.

Pets are often personalities of their owners.
Pets must be chosen to have a therapeutic effect to balance once doshas.

"Vata people" get along well with dogs,
Because dogs are attractive, with an open heart, reassuring and stabilizing their cold, terrible, fickle nature of Vata people.
Some feel good with small, fluffy excitable animals stir maternal instincts into owners.

"Pitta people" get along well with cats.
Cats help pitta people to cope with the competitive and continuous challenges.

"Kapha people" get along well with birds.
chirping birds helps them to compensate for some of the natural characters of Kapha people.
For some large dogs may be useful, because the dogs will encourages them in the morning and evening walks

Ayurvedic Treatments

Abhyagam : In this treatment gentle oil massage is given according to the disease for 45-minutes.
Indications : Obesity, lack of blood circulations etc.

Kizhi : Herbal leaves, herbs, herbal powders, flesh of animals etc., are applied to the whole body in boluses.
Indications : Arthriti, spondylosis, sports injuries, muscular atrophy etc.

Vasthi (Bhramana, Mathra, Sneha, Kashaya) : Certain herbal oils, herbal extracts etc. are applied through the rectum.
Indications : Arthritis, paralysis, gastric complaints, rheumatism etc.

Sirovasthi : Special herbal oils are poured in a cap fitted on the head for 15-60 minutes per day
Indications : Facial paralysis, headaches, vatha originated diseases etc.

Uthara Vasthi : Certain herbal oils herbal extracts etc are applied through the Uro-genital tract.
Indications : Infertility, Uro-genital diseases etc.

Pizhichil : Lukewarm herbal oils are dripped all over the body by 2-4 trained technicians in a special rhythmic way.
Indications : Hemiplegia, paralysis, rheumatic complaints, joint stiffness, nervous disorders etc.

Gnavarakizhi : It is a process by which the whole body or any specific part there of is made to perspire by the application of certain medicinal puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a muslin bag. Duration 25-75 minutes.
Indications : Loss of appetite, sluggishness, rheumatism, joint pains etc.

Dhara Tailam, Thakram, Ksheeram : Some herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk etc are poured on the forehead in a special way for about 45 minutes.
Indications : Insomnia, mental tension,skin diseases ,vatha predominated diseases etc.

Udvarthanam : This is a typical massage with herbal powders for about 30 minutes
Indications : Paralysis, Obesity, rheumatic ailments.

Snehapanam : Medicated ghee is given internally in a proportionally increased quantity for period of 3-7 days (Preparatory process for doing Panchakarma)
Indications : Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, skin diseases etc.

Nasyam : This is one of the important treatment in Panchakarma in which herbal juices, medical oils etc are applied through nose.
Indications : Head aches, mental disorders, skin diseases, sinusitis etc.

Greeva Bhandhanam : This is very special bandage along with medicines for muscular and orthopaedic problems.
Indications : Cervical spondylosis, degeneration of bones, post accidental problems etc.

Lepam (Anna, Siro, Sirajala) : Special medical herbs are made into paste and is applied on the body or part of body for 20 – 90 minutes.
Indications : Skin diseases, Muscular injury, atrophy, brain diseases, insomnia, vericosity etc.

Karna Pooranam : This is a process in which medicated fumes are applied to the ears for 5 to 10 minutes. This process helps to clean the ear and avoid ailments associated with the ear.

Tharpanam : This is a cleaning process for eyes which gives cooling effect, prevents cataract and strengthens the optic nerve.

Face Pack : This is the traditional AYURVEDIC facial which is very good for your face. In this massage, Sudation Therapy, Face Pack (AYURVEDIC) etc. is given accordingly. This will beautify your skin and tone up your Face muscles.

Swedanam : Medicated Steam Bath , Certain precious herbal leaves and herbs are boiled and steam is passed to whole body for 10-20 minutes. This is good for certain skin diseases, to eliminate impurities from the body, to improve the tone of the body, to reduce fat etc

Acne (Yaovanpidika )

Acne (Yaovanpidika in Ayurveda)

Home Remedies :

Prepare a mask by mixing equal quantities of saffron, turmeric, Margosa (neem), red sandalwood, basil and with buttermilk or milk. 

Apply twice a day. You can skip saffron if it is not available.

Prepare a powdered mixture of coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric, and Indian gooseberry ( Amla ) in equal parts. Take ½ teaspoon of this powder 15 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Have 1 teaspoon of powdered Indian gooseberry (Amla) in morning and evening with water.



=> Rich in vitamin E, Antioxidant, vitamin C and Anti-ageing properties.

=> Helps the body absorb iron and is good for the treatment of anemia.

=> It has small amounts glucose so is good for diabetes, heart disease and is very beneficial in reducing weight.

=> It is an excellent source of Folic acid. Useful for brain development of children in the womb.

=> Kiwi has good amount of fiber and good for digestive system, helps to fix problem of constipation.

=> Potassium content is same as that is found in banana and is good for osteoporosis patients strengthens bones and muscles.

Arjuna ( Terminalia arjuna )

Arjuna ( Terminalia arjuna )

Arjuna- Means the white one, bright or clear.

It is a plant that makes body and mind clear, spotless and clean of all impurities. Such an empty and stainless mind is ready to receive divine wisdom and the highest understanding.

In the Rig Veda, the clear, sunny and bright day is referred to as arjunam.

Effect of Arjuna Powder on Tridoshas:

Useful in diseases of Kapha/ Pitta or both.

Uses :
The best Ayurvedic herb for heart
Useful in emaciation and other similar conditions because of its nutritional value
Helps burning fat from the body
A Natural Dietary supplement for diabetes. It specially prevents cardiac complications of diabetes
A good healer for fractured bones
An analgesic Ayurveda herb
Useful in Urticaria and other skin diseases

Thursday, 7 August 2014

HEEL SPUR / Calcanius Spur

HEEL SPUR  ( Calcanius Spur ) 

Causes of Heel Spurs: 
Heel spurs occur when calcium deposits build up on the underside of the heel bone, a process that usually occurs over a period of many months. Heel spurs are often caused by strains on foot muscles and ligaments, stretching of the plantar fascia, and repeated tearing of the membrane that covers the heel bone. Heel spurs are especially common among athletes whose activities include large amounts of running and jumping.

Risk factors for heel spurs include:
Walking gait abnormalities,which place excessive stress on the heel bone, ligaments, and nerves near the heel
Running or jogging, especially on hard surfaces
Poorly fitted or badly worn shoes, especially those lacking appropriate arch support

Excess weight and obesity
Other risk factors associated with plantar fasciitis include:
Increasing age, which decreases plantar fascia flexibility and thins the heel's protective fat pad

Spending most of the day on one's feet
Frequent short bursts of physical activity
Having either flat feet or high arches

Symptoms of Heel Spurs
Heel spurs often cause no symptoms. But heel spurs can be associated with intermittent or chronic pain -- especially while walking, jogging, or running -- if inflammation develops at the point of the spur formation. In general, the cause of the pain is not the heel spur itself but the soft-tissue injury associated with it.
Many people describe the pain of heel spurs and plantar fasciitis as a knife or pin sticking into the bottom of their feet when they first stand up in the morning -- a pain that later turns into a dull ache. They often complain that the sharp pain returns after they stand up after sitting for a prolonged period of time.